Keys For Altering

Our Paradigm


Regardless of what it is, buildings, cars, our bodies, nature; all are atoms. Yes, this is large. Especially when stars, planets, and the Universe are added to the equation. It can be a bit intimidating to consider looking at life so inclusively. Except, that is what life is, and so it is okay. What can be surmised from that knowing is that there is order in the Universe, and we are part of that order. Because of the power of choice, participating and joining with Universal flow is optional. Ask yourself, why wouldn't we want to consciously flow with the Universe? We are part of it nonetheless, for sure. However, we (Earthlings) are more like the group in the schoolyard that doesn't play with others. We have a private club. We have our rules, and we think we are the most important part of existence. Just like in other systems, the subsystem, especially during recess, can have whatever rules it wants; as long as it is not hurting others.

We know kids play and hurt each other without adults being aware of such occurrences. Sometimes adults know and let it pass, at times looking at the situation as growing pains. Then children become adults and fall in line playing the same societal games, at times offering some slight "progressive" alterations. This continuous loop is life on Earth. Only the laws of the Universe can explain why Earth lets us be so harmful. Maybe it is in hopes that one day we will grow emotionally and recognize the silliness of greed, ego, jealousy, and other detrimental mindsets.

Even though, (because we always seem to need trendy proof), science admits our interconnectedness-maybe because we don't consciously feel it as a norm-we carry on as if societies are separate. We act like race, economics, hierarchy, and such have more than entertainment value.

Comfort is a wonderful thing; excess is void filling searching. This where this course 21st Century P.E.A.C.E. techniques, comes in. The information provided in this course is Universal blueprint based. It is not against or for anything. It is like hearing our atoms having a conversation with us. By the way, being that all is interconnected, they (we) talk to us all the time.

21st Century P.E.A.C.E. (Perspectives Embracing Agreement Cause Enlightenment) techniques is a course for forming new intentional paradigms for the growth of Earth dwellers.

As Earthlings, we have our routines. Some are daily, hourly, weekly, yearly, etc. These are things we do without thinking or maybe things we gratefully expect to experience. Things like sleeping, having fun, work, and learning are routines that are expected for many, and not questioned for the most part. Overpowering unlimited media exposure options allows practically any type of constant information to enter your psyche; accurate or not.

We have been living this way for many, many years, with technological advancements and scientific findings instigating changes along the way. Though changes have been many, foundationally we mentally are crawling forward when it comes to aligning with the paradigm that's been in existence long before humanity was a consideration.

Perhaps it is because it feels too overwhelming to think about, or maybe it is a case of not being sure where to begin. Most likely it has something to do with subliminal awareness being ignored, as it gnaws at the edges of your mind that a path is waiting for your presence. Apprehension might breed confusion, causing awakened life direction questioning. Where you go with such thoughts is key. Desires to reason either ignite inspirational or stagnated effects. Regardless, we don't usually place addressing the loop we are in at the top of our list. Why consider there be another way anyway? The real question is … why not?

Have you considered the fact that we live in space? That our atmosphere is Earth's spacesuit, worn only to protect Earth's inhabitants? How about considering atoms are what everything is made of, and we and the Universe are the same?

Aligning your focus and choosing to live being consciously guided by the Universe we live in is our beautiful gift. Your enlightened self is aware of this. Your opportunity is consciously recognizing that connection and being led by such knowledge.

It is incredible to belong to something bigger than you can conceive. Imagine flailing your arms around looking for something to hold on to. All the while there is an easy to access and hold ledge, right there. It is in front of your face, but it is so simple that you think you don't see it. You feel you know there has to be something else, something that you really need that will help you. So, you don't reach for it, because it seems pointless, especially since no one else seems to be grabbing it. Instead, you keep flailing like a windmill, thankful for the air.

Because it is not popular, many unknowingly flail together, causing little change. There is also little recognition that loops are the constants of life with only slight alterations. Awakening steps, one step at a time can cause change.

Welcome again to the 21st Century P.E.A.C.E. Techniques basics course! Please journal along the way!

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  • Weekly video intros